PT. Agung Sinar Bungkuk

PT Agung Sinar Bungkuk was established in 2017 and has been one of the largest recruitment company in the country

High Quality

Prepare professional, trusted, and selected human resources.


We prepare competent workforce in their respective fields of work

Affordable Price

We have affordable prices and a professional workforce


The Easiest Way to Manage Your Employee

PT. Agung Sinar Bungkuk has experience in the field of labor recruitment, so you don’t have to doubt our quality.

Don’t try to tell the customer what he wants. If you want to be smart, be smart in the shower. Then get out, go to work, and serve the customer.

Our Service

What Service We Offer

We have several services that we can offer to clients


We do recruitment to find, select and hire the best candidates for your company.

Driver Services

In this case, providing drivers to expedite client business. Where alertness, skills, and experience is our concern.

Security Guard

PT Agung Sinar Bungkuk provides professional and reliable security guards/security services.


Apprenticeship is part of a job training system that is organized in an integrated manner between training at a training institution, and client companies.

Cleaning Services

The most needed in cleaning services is professional staff and their work is not arbitrary . Cleaning service PT Agung Sinar Bungkuk is one of the best choices for your company.

Our Gallery

To see our activity, click the button below.

Who We Are

We Keep Employee Safe And Ensure High Availability

Need Employee For Your Business? Contact Us Today


Artikel dan Update Terbaru

Dapatkan info terbaru dari PT Agung Sinar Bungkuk Disini

Driver Services

Driver Services We are PT. Sinar Agung Bungkuk has several excellent services, including in this case providing drivers to expedite client business. Where…

Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services In general, the definition of cleaning service is to provide cleaning, tidiness and hygiene services for a building or the building…

Our Gallery

Our Latest Work this is a collection of our work. AllMagang JepangRecruitmentApprenticeshipLabor ProviderSecurity GuardDriver ServicesCleaning ServicesSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity GuardSecurity…


Security Services It is undeniable that the need for security guards has become an integral part of the company, whether in the form…

Our Team

The head of the company

Board of directors

Alvia Khaerani

Alvia Khaerani

Deputy Director




M Roida

M Roida
